+316 5757 8523 hratchja@gmail.com

Hi! I'm Hratchja.

With my creations, I try to signify my vision of how an individual expresses his individualism. Elegant, timeless, and luxurious. I try to imply the classic elegant silhouette to each dress I create. With this in mind, I hope to create a new basis for women’s clothing. Each design is neatly assembled with a Haute Couture finishing touch. Every design is unique, and one of a kind.

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Let's Create!

“It’s not about being trendy in fashion, but being able to express yourself as an individual.”


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All about me

who am i

“It’s not about being trendy in fashion, but being able to express yourself as an individual.”

Hratchja Tonian

Hratchja Howhanissian

I was born on 29 May 1985 in the former Soviet Union.  In 1993, my family immigrated to the Netherlands in the hope of a better future.  Growing up, I always had artistic interests from creating my dance group at a young age to drawing theatrical designs.  I soon discovered my passion for fashion replaced activities, which included designing my work, my extreme interest in the history of fashion throughout the years, and most importantly, my admiration for Haute Couture.  I feel strongly positive about my ability to contribute to the fashion industry.

what i create

unique & one of kind


Characterized by abundance and often extravagantly rich and varied


I will never duplicate a creation, all my work is unique and unexampled


My work is abiding and not affected by changes in the fashion world


what my clients say


The Art in Vougue

Contact US

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What’s in your mind?  Let’s create.

4 + 1 =

Contact Information


Amstelveen, Amsterdam


+316 5757 8523



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